VARN 2023 Final Report
The Sabin Vaccine Institute’s Vaccination Acceptance Research Network
(VARN) hosted its second annual conference co-convened with UNICEF
and co-sponsored by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and in support of COVID-19
Vaccine Delivery Partnership priority countries.
Global Vaccine Demand Event Final Report
Enhancing vaccine confidence and uptake through risk communication and community engagement among high-risk and vulnerable groups
Global Vaccine Demand Event Final Report
Renforcer la confiance et l’adoption du vaccin par le biais de la communication des risques et de l’engagement communautaire parmi les groupes vulnérables et à haut risque
Addressing health misinformation
Tina Purnat & Elisabeth Wilheml
Interventions et stratégies au niveau communautaire pour accroître la demande de vaccins
Michael Eriksen & Reza Yousefi Nooraie
Digital Health Interventions
Sara Chamberlain
Interventions et stratégies au niveau individuel et interpersonnel
Michelle Dynes
Monitoring and Evaluation for Programs and Interventions
Shibani Kulkarni & Nessa Ryan
Interventions comportementales pour augmenter la demande et l’adoption des vaccins
Neetu Abad
Participatory Approaches for Monitoring and Evaluation
Lora Shimp