De la Cobertura al Empoderamiento Integrar la Perspectiva de Género en la Demanda de Inmunización Prácticas Prometedoras de Seis Países.
Género y Demanda de Inmunización Lista de Verificación
Género y Demanda de Inmunización Informe Final y Recomendaciones
De La Couverture À L’autonomisation Intégrer Le Genre Dans La Demande De Vaccination
Genre Et Demande De Vaccination Rapport Final Et Recommandations
Le Genre Et La Demande Concernant La Vaccination Check-List
Gender and Immunization Demand Final Report and Recommendations
This document provides some practical recommendations to plan, design, implement and monitor and evaluate demand generation interventions that have integrated gender
From Coverage to Empowerment: Integrating gender in immunization demand
Gender is a critical determinant of health outcomes. Gender norms and expectations result in differences between how women, men,girls and boys know about, seek and access health services and resources
Gender and Immunization Demand Checklist
This checklist aims to guide country offices on key gender considerations as they plan, implement, monitor and evaluate gender responsive or transformative demand interventions for immunization.