Infodemic insights manual_Fr
Les six étapes de l’élaboration d’un rapport sur les connaissances infodémiques ont été rédigées par Tina Purnat (OMS) et Elisabeth Wilhelm (UNICEF), sous la direction de Tim Nguyen (OMS) et Surangani Abeyesekera (UNICEF).
Infodemic insights manual_ES
Tina Purnat (OMS) y Elisabeth Wilhelm (UNICEF), bajo la dirección de Tim Nguyen (OMS) y Surangani Abeyesekera (UNICEF), son quienes han redactado los seis pasos para elaborar un informe de percepciones infodémicas.
Vaccination Demand Hub Meeting in Kathmandu 2024
In his opening remarks, Sanjay Wijesekera, the Reginal Director, UNICEF South Asia, emphasized that
immunization is the most cost-effective public health intervention to protect children and adults from
many vaccine-preventable diseases
Field Guide – Designing Evaluations for Behavioral Interventions to Increase Immunization
Behaviorally-informed interventions consider the various factors that influence vaccine perceptions and uptake as well as tailor strategies for each community based on their context, needs, and priorities.
Synthesis of Immunization Service Experience Interventions and Monitoring and Measurement Approaches for Zero-dose and Under-immunized Children
This document provides an overview of the background, findings, and recommendations related to Immunization Service Experience (SE), particularly for zero-dose and under-immunized children in low-and-middle-income countries (LMIC). A literature review was conducted to identify SE-focused interventions and measurement tools. The findings highlight various interventions that improve service experience, such as communication campaigns, community engagement, digital […]